> Today's Word: 1 Peter 5:7 > ----------------------------------- > "Casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you." > 1 Peter 5:7 > > > > Casting > > This verse is a quote from Psalm 55:22. > > This is one of the most popular verses in the Bible, > yet we often take this verse out of its context. Note that > the word "casting" is a participle making it dependent upon > the previous statement in verse six. "Casting" is not a > command but the means of how we humble ourselves (5:6). We > humble ourselves by casting our anxieties on God. God's care > comes when we humble ourselves and depend on His grace. > > "Casting" means to throw upon and thus to deposit with. > Secular Greek used "casting" for a man who carried a heavy > burden and threw it upon a camel's back. "Casting" carries > the idea of throw. It means to roll upon. God wants us to > roll our burdens upon Him. God wants us to have a target to > which we direct our anxiety. That target is God Himself. > > The New Testament uses "casting" only two times, here > and > > "Then they brought him to Jesus. And they threw their > own clothes on the colt, and they set Jesus on him" (Luke > 19:35). > > We cannot separate God's care from God's > sovereign plan for us. God's plan for Asia Minor Christians > is suffering. They need to humble themselves to God's plan > for that suffering and to His grace to provide for them in > suffering. > > > > Principle:We are humble when we depend on God's grace for > our lives. > > > > Application: God does not design the situations of our life > to break us but to make us. We are to move from trusting in > our own resources and trusting in our strategies for life, > to resting in God and His resources. God is willing and able > to carry the heaviest burden for us. > > When you are under pressure from worry, stop, take a breath > and relax in God's grace. > > "Blessed be the Lord, > > Who daily loads us with benefits, > > The God of our salvation! Selah" (Psalm 68:19).