We fully believe in the mystery of the Godhead. We believe that Jesus was both human and divine, and further, that the Godhead be understood to mean all of the fullness of God (Colossians 1:19 and 2:9). We believe that Jesus was Mary's son and Mary's God, Creator and creature, God manifest in the flesh; that the flesh of Jesus was the same as ours with the exception that it had no sin; that Jesus was the Eternal Father made visible, apart from whom there is no God. We believe that at the final consummation of all things there will be only one God, and that will be our Lord Jesus Christ.
Great post, full of truth and revelation of the truth.
Rev. 4:2, states there was one throne and one person sitting on it in heaven. Rev 4:5 States there were seven lamps of fire burning in front of it. In Rev. Chpt. 1, verses 11- 13 describes who that someone is standing in the midist of the lamps. Rev. 4: 18, tells us that it is he who was dead but now is risen, and everybody should know it is Jesus. He who has received a name about all names, he who has received all authority in heaven and in the earth, and most of all He who is the head of the church which is His body in the earth. he who made all things, which puts Him in the office and administration as Father of creation. Now should we not know how important that name is in all things that we do or say! Amazing how there are some who would question such a great revelation of truth!