Wide-eyed warrior child Born for battle, There is nothing around you That escapes your gaze.
The battle keeps raging Day after day, While your weapons to fight it Are taken away.
Through the night watches You hold out your wounds To the One who will soothe them Before you can sleep.
Wide-eyed warrior child Bewildered in a hostile world, Weep those hot tears of passion and compassion Saved up for every night.
Hot warrior tears Fill up heaven's containers To rain down in compassion From the God of all mercy and comfort.
Born in the heat of battle, What could you do But cry out helplessly, desperately To the Champion, the Lord of Hosts?
What rock could you stand on, What rock could you rest on, What rock could you drink from But the Rock that is Christ?
Wide-eyed warrior child, Here are your weapons To fight against evil With love and truth.
How can you use them? Nobody knows Unless they take lessons From the Champion, the Lord of Hosts.
Wide-eyed warrior child, Prisoner of war, You fell into the enemy's camp And made it out alive
Because blood flowed from the Rock and covered you, Fire came pouring into the strongholds And a sword was wielded from heaven That broke the chains to set you free.
Wide-eyed warrior child Learning to fight, Thank God that you held onto Him And He held onto you!