From: ~~Mud**Pie~~ (Original Message) Sent: 10/4/2004 11:26 AM
*Mt St Helens and Yellowstone are both priming to erupt at any time. There are earthquakes rumbling in California, Japan and other places--and a hurricane season is going on that is unparalled since records have been kept.
*War in the Middle East, war in So America, war and genocide in Africa. Russia rattling her saber again. China and Korea playing with big sticks and looking hungrily towards Japan.
*The plague of AIDS worldwide, deaths in Asia from a strain of bird flu, and our own country now infected coast to coast with the mosquitoes that carry that strain of flu.
*Strange maladies like flesh eating bacteria, STDs and staph infections that are oblivious to any known antibiotic.Heart attacks and death occurring to children and young men and women who seemed hale and hearty only a moment before they were stricken--some of them have been reknowned athletes..
*Hunger and want filling the faces of children all over the world.
*Churches sitting with half their pews empty--a great falling away of people of faith.
*Homosexuals holding high office in some of the great religious institutions in this country while their churches are fighting over petty differences that don't amount to a hill of beans; straining at gnats while theives break in to steal the Lord's inheritance.
* Islam--whose name translated means "peace"--perverted into the most bloody and terroristic of belief systems as its teachers proscribe terrorism of the most evil sort against anyone who does not adhere to that faith.
What do you think is going on, saints?
I think its time to look up as our salvation draweth nigh--Jesus is coming back soon.