Tears of compassion for Christ and His church and His
Longing to draw them so close to His heart and to
Welcome them home
Tears of Gods Spirit so grieved by corruption and
Yearning to move them to yield to the call of their
Heavenly Lord
Tears of Lord Jesus who cried in His passion and
Sweat drops of blood and bled out His life for His
Gathering bride
Tears of our Father in Heaven, who made us and
Sent His dear Son for us
Tears of the Godhead, so deep and so pure.
(by Sarah M.)
- Note: quotation from UPC Statement of Beliefs: 'We believe in the One ever-living eternal God. Infinite in power, holy in nature, attributes and purpose; and possessing absolute indivisible deity. This One true God revealed Himself as Father: through His Son in redemption: and as Holy Spirit by emanation.'